
Comparison: HTC HD2 V’s Motorola DROID

Motorola DROID PhotoHTC HD2 Photo

While we wait for a good comparison of the much anticipated HTC EVO on Sprint, the guys over at WireFly have done a very nice comparison with video of the HTC HD2 from T-Mobile and the Motorola DROID.

I know it’s not the HTC EVO but the HTC HD2 is as near as your currently going to get.  With it’s 4.3″ display the same as the HTC EVO it gives the same visual experience albeit running Windows Mobile and not Android.

One of the key features I’ve read in many viewpoints of a device with such a large display is how nice the on screen keyboard will be.  My personal opinion is that I would still prefer a hardware keyboard but I’d love to try Swype on the HTC EVO’s 4.3″ display.

Anyway, you can check out the video comparison from WireFly below:

Once you’ve viewed the video, head over to the WireFly site for more details.

Source: WireFly