• News
  • 28 November, 2011

CORRECTION…it is Actually Called The Samsung Galaxy Nexus

Well we were all kind of baffled when a leaked ad from Best Buy came out, naming the much anticipated Samsung Galaxy Nexus, The Samsung Nexus Prime. Seems like we have been going back and forth between the two names, and we all, after seeing that ad, thought we got the final name for this super phone. Although there was photographic proof of this, people were still disputing on what that dang thing was going to be called. Hell, I would call it the “Samsung Galaxy Nexus Prime Ice Cream Banana Sandwich” phone by this point. Just release it already!

So Best Buy has thrown out a correction notice (shown above) stating the mistake they have made. As you can see, it is officially called the “Galaxy Nexus by Samsung”, so now all the disputing can end and we can all sleep a little better tonight. So who wants to buy this phone for Christmas? I will scream out your name on the ManDroid Show, and declare my love for you.

Source: Android Central