
Could Sprint’s HTC Evo 4G Be Launched With Massive Defect In Included 8GB MicroSD card?

As June 4th edges closer, it seems that HTC and Sprint could potentially have a huge problem with one of the most hyped up device of 2010. The HTC Evo could have a serious defect in the included storage department.

Evo user, MG Siegler, has been using this device ever since Google handed them out to attendees at this years Google I/O. The rumored defect is that the 8gb microSD card that ships with this device, randomly stops working and would then appear corrupt or empty. While a simple reboot would fix this issue temporarily, the problem would happen again. Siegler stated that it all started occurring on day 2 of using this device and has almost everyday since he has been heavily testing , and using the phone as a camera, camcorder, browser, and other features.

Below are some apps that are failing unpredictably:

  • The camera app starts complaining that it can’t save pictures due to bad permissions, specifically: “Unable to save file to SD card due to insufficient file permissions”.
  • TuneWiki, a music app, goes crazy and almost freezes the phone while trying to play the playlist that is loaded into its memory but failing at accessing the card.
  • The gallery app sees no pictures.
  • The ASTRO app shows a mix of empty and unavailable dirs in a state I’d never seen before.

While it is unclear the root cause of this issue, it appears that users are split with some saying that it is a software issue others saying it is a faulty microSD card. I doubt that there’s a bad batch of microSD cards in everyone of these devices handed out so if it is a software issue let’s hope a simple OTA update can fix this problem as this could be a huge hiccup for one of the most anticipated launches in Sprint’s history.

If you were lucky enough to attend Google I/O 2010 and have not had this happen to you, beware as  you may lose your data, like in this case, unless the bug is fixed. Without further ado, I am posting this to bring Google’s, Sprint’s, and HTC’s attention to the matter as well as gather some feedback from those of you who were also affected.

Are you having this issue with your EVO? Please share it in the comments below!

***Update: The Evo AndroidStory received has been having these issues as well. The phone had to be restarted twice before it would work properly, however that has only been a one time occasion.***

Source: AndroidPolice