• News
  • 30 September, 2010

Crackle Brings Movie Streaming to Your Android

It would seem the streaming video service Crackle has stealthily released their app to the Android Market without any fanfare. That’s okay, we’re still excited about it. Much of what can be watched through the website can also be viewed on the app; there is a big BUT to this however. While everything can be viewed on your Android device, only certain titles are viewable for free, the rest can only be viewed after purchasing a subscription for $4.99. The upside is that you can subscribe for as little as one month, plenty of time to decide if it’s worth it.

For a first version, it’s a pretty decent app. The video quality wasn’t too bad on my Nexus One, though the more action-intense scenes did get a bit pixelated. There were a couple issues I found to be more problematic. The first being there is no search feature, a glaring oversight for the type of service Crackle provides. The other big issue, which is more of an annoyance than anything, is that movies arenot be saved on your phone. This mean if you start watching a movie and have to stop, when you come back to it, the film will start from the beginning. Hopefully these issues will be corrected in later versions.

Overall though, Crackle isn’t a bad option if you need some entertainment. You can download the app HERE from your Android device, or scan the code below.