• Games
  • 21 September, 2011

Crime Story breaks into the Android Market and we have 30 gold coins for 7 lucky Readers

Cooper Media Corp. , the company behind Paradise Island and My Country, have released their latest title to the Android Market. Instead of the fun-loving and peaceful story line of running a resort island, they toss you at the bottom of the mafia and hope you can become the Don. That’s right, this is Crime Story.

Crime Story is a game where you venture out to create your own gangster story. The story line is pretty simple. Someone kidnapped your brother and you are on a mission to save his life. In the process you get mixed up in the mob and have to slowly climb the ranks. Using force and cunning to help you along the way. You will kill a lot of people and let some live.  Create partnerships with business’s and make tattoos to earn the capital and respect that you will need to run this city.

The overall aspect of the game sounds great. Who wouldn’t want to be a gangster? The game is a lot more complex then just running and gunning. There are global plots, countless number of side quests alongside the main story line, diverse mini-games to break up the story and each so-called BOSS has their own unique character and behavior. Nothing erks me more than fighting different boss’s that fight the same way. Don’t forget your interactions with the local police that will ultimately affect your overall game play experience.

On to the more challenging tasks. This game isn’t one that you will sit down and cruise through in a matter of hours. Everything takes time, much like their other titles. You will have plenty of time to explore your surrounds, but you will need to be patient to earn money, gold coins and health. Making this a game that you will keep coming back over and over again.

To help you guys out, we were able to snatch up 7 in-game codes to help get you on the road to glory a little faster. These keys will give you 30 gold coins to spend how you wish on in-game items. Every little bit helps, right? Now, how should we give them away?

Lets keep this as simple as possible and as beneficial as we can. Leave a comment on the post and tell us what you think of the new site layout and the look. Be honest! If you hate it let us know, but also tell us why so we can look into making changes. It has only been up for 2 days now and we still lots of work to do. Help us keep heading in the right direction. On Friday, September 23 at 4PM PST, we will select 7 lucky winners. In order for this to work to the best of its ability, you will need to sign in to leave a comment so we have a way to contact you. If you don’t have a way for us to get a hold of you then you won’t be eligible to win a key. We have had that issue in the past and some good people missed out on prizes because we couldn’t track you down.

That’s it, straight up and simple as can be. Cruise around the site for a few minutes and see where things are located and how they are laid out. There could be something somewhere that needs work that we haven’t even noticed.

If you haven’t picked up this game yet, be sure to do so.

Application: Crime Story
Developer: Cooper Media Corp.
Cost: FREE