
Crumble Zone launches to the Play Store, defend your planet at all Costs

Crumble Zone
A new game just came across our desk a few minutes ago and after watching the trailer we knew we had to try it. We hit the install button and opened it up. 45 minutes later we realized that we should probably put it down and tell you all to go get it now. So, go get it. Oh, you want to know what it is all about first huh? Crumble Zone is new game that just hit the Play Store today. It is the first Android game launched to the Play Store by Rebel Twins indie game studio.

Crumble Zone is a fast paced action-packed arcade style game. You are a little alien who is on a mission to save his tiny little planet from asteroids, meters and other spacey perils. The action is intense, but requires a bit of finesse, timing and patience at the same time. As you shoot down incoming projectiles you collect discarded gems. Just because they have fallen doesn’t mean you have to snag them right away. In fact letting them sit for a little bit might be a better strategy. When you pick up gems the impending doom from the incoming objects slip backwards, giving you a little breathing room. The more accurate you are at hitting the targets the quicker special weapons will be ready for your use. You don’t have to do anything but fire away to use them. Some create a wave of destruction, others split from the point of impact and arc around your planet while some just blow things up.

Crumble Zone Crumble Zone
You will also want to keep a sharp eye out for the steel ball gems and try to only get those when you are in dire need of protection. These little guys lock up your planet behind a steel barrier and keep it safe for a limited time. The other gems that you collect are art of your score, but mostly are used to buy new special weapons that you can purchase for use in your next round. They start out as little as 5 gems and go all the way up to 1500 gems. My first time through I collected nearly 800 and made it to level 16.

The controls are simple enough. Use the arrow keys on the left to move around your planet. Hit the fire button on the right to fire your weapon. Be mindful of where his little helmet cannon is pointed though, that is where he will shoot. The visual of the game are stunning. It is colorful, full of movement and is almost mesmerizing. A person could sit and watch the planet be destroyed and forget that they were supposed to be saving it.

There is also a local multiplayer mode as well. Using one device, you each take control of the opposite the screen. Your alien keeps moving back and forth across the half planet and you shoot to the best of your ability. Obviously going for accuracy and the most hits to get the most gems to drop to your side of the screen.

It is a quick time waster that is quickly addictive. If you have 10 minutes to kill, you might not want to start a round, because that 10 minutes might turn into 30 in a hurry. Crumble Zone is free in the Play Store right now for anyone that wants it. It does have in-game ads, but they only pop up between screens and games. No worries of them getting in the way of the action. If the images above weren’t enough to make you want to give it a spin, check out the short promo video of the game below. Then go hit the Play Store link and give it a whirl.


Play Store – Crumble Zone