
Cubify brings custom created Android BugDroid figures off the 3D Cube Printer,and so can You

We are always on the look out for anything Android. Not just phones, tablets and software, but also accessories. Fun little things you can proudly display on your desk at work, in your car on your keychain or just around your home. One thing that Android users and lovers easily have over Apple users is the large number of figures and other things to proudly show off our love for our OS. Simon recently sent me over an email with a link to a site that was just too good not to show everyone here.

You have all seen the plethora of BugDroid figures that go on sale through out the year. No doubt many of you have nearly every set that has been released. It is an addiction, but since they aren’t sold on QVC yet you don’t need therapy. While the various styles that are offered up are always fun and unique, we are willing to bet that some of you would like your very own customized BugDroid created just for you. Until recently that wasn’t really an option.

Thanks to Cubify though, you are free to let your Android geekiness shine in any way you see fit. Before we get to the goods, lets give you a brief little bit about Cubify. They are a company that sells a 3D printer called the Cube. You connect the Cube via Wi-Fi or plug a USB stick in the back of the device and print off your various creations. Unlike traditional printers, this prints out a full-fledged 3D model using a sort of plastic material that looks like weed eater string. We know it isn’t, but that is the best description I can give. If you want to really unleash your creative side then picking up a cube and some various cube tube colors is going to be amazing for you. They don’t come cheap though. You basic package will set you back $1300.

Knowing that not everyone will have that kind of cash, or the need to buy one, gave Cubify an idea though. With an easy to use layout, you can create a custom-made BugDroid figure of your own in various heights on their website and they will print it out for you and ship it over. Seriously, it is friggin awesome.

You can add various accessories to your creation like hats, ties, goggles and shields. You can choose from various Costumes like saws, horns, axes and hammers. Gadgets like switches, batteries and sockets. Symbols like lightning bolts, hearts and stars and lets not forget the basics like shapes, nuts, bolts and vents. But don’t think the buck stops there. You can add colors in and paint the additions, choose a wide variety of stamps, like glasses, eyes, belts and zippers.

Oh, and you can alter the poitions of each arm, the rotation of his head, and the rotation of his body.

Once you have spent all the tedious hours that we are sure many of you will spend creating the perfect likeness to yourself and your life style, you can order him. Yo can have your creation printed out in 2.5-inch height for $29.99, 3.0-inch height for $34.99 or 3.5-inch height for $39.99.

You can’t tell me that isn’t cool. If you are interested in creating your very own custom BugDroid to look exactly how you have always dreamed, then you will want to point your web browser over to now. Send us a screenshot of your final creation and we will post them up on the site. I could spend hours building my perfect little desk companion.