• News
  • 16 July, 2011

Custom Launcher Icons is holding a slick home screen contest, ASUS Transformer on the Line

We just received this in our inbox last night and wanted to get it out so all you guys had a chance to get involved. It is a pretty straight forward and simple contest. Here are the rules –

We want to see how you have applied icons and docks from launcherproicons.com or the Custom Launcher Icons app to make your Android device beautiful. To qualify, your screenshot must feature either icons or docks from one of these sources.

That’s it. Follow either of the links in the contest rules to get started with what they have to offer. Don’t worry about originality, just in the Custom Launcher Icons section they offer 1000+ icons in 45 different styles. Not to mention 400+ dock backgrounds to choose from. I am sure there will be plenty of people with screens that look drastically different then yours.

To add to the festivities, they have some amazing celebrity judges. LauncherPros Federico Carnales, ADWLaunchers Ander Webbs, Auther of ‘The complete Android Guide‘ Kevin Purdy and a few others of notoriety.

As mentioned earlier, the winner will be receiving a free ASUS Eee Pad Transformer. The judging comenses on July 27th, so you better hurry and get started if you want to get your entry in. Complete details can be found at launcherpro.droidicon. Get to it guys! Who knows, maybe I will help you along and post some of your screenshots here on AndroidStory.