• News
  • 21 January, 2010

Cyanogen does it again, multitouch browser hits Nexus One.

With the recent release of the ASOP 2.1 code, Cyanogen has diligently worked on getting a new ROM out for the Nexus One. His ROM may not be out yet, but Cyanogen released an update to the Nexus One default browser as a stand-alone download over at XDA-Developers. If you choose not to flash it now, Cyanogen stated that the browser will be included in his upcoming ROM release.

If you would like to add the browser to your rooted Nexus One here are the files and steps.

First download these three files:

  1. http://www.androidstory.com/downloads.php?dir=cyanogen/nexus-one/&file=Browser.zip
  2. http://www.androidstory.com/downloads.php?dir=cyanogen/nexus-one/&file=com.cyanogenmod.android.jar
  3. http://www.androidstory.com/downloads.php?dir=cyanogen/nexus-one/&file=com.cyanogenmod.android.xml

Step two, adb push the files to your phone:

adb shell stop
adb remount
adb shell rm /system/app/Browser.odex
adb push Browser.apk /system/app
adb push com.cyanogenmod.android.jar /system/framework
adb push com.cyanogenmod.android.xml /system/etc/permissions
adb shell reboot

Voila, enjoy your new multitouch browser courtesy of Cyanogen.

Source: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=621441