
Cyanogen Inc rebrands again, announces new deal with Qualcomm

It’s barely been 11 months, but Cyanogen Inc has decided to rebrand itself again, ditching its hexagonal logo for a new logo, as seen above. While the old logo represented three tenets of their mission statement, we’re not quite sure what this logo stands for, but its arrival is made all the more important by its new deal with Qualcomm. So what does the world’s biggest chip manufacturer want with lil ol’ Cyanogen Inc?

As part of the deal, the next release of the Qualcomm Reference Design (QRD) will include aspects of the Cyanogen OS. This doesn’t mean much to the average techie, but for device manufacturers, this will allow them to put Cyanogen OS on devices with Snapdragon 200, 400 and 600 processors just that much quicker than they currently can. As a result, expect to see plenty more mid-range devices running Cyanogen OS in the future and more support rolled into future revisions of QRD in the future.

What do you think of Cyanogen Inc’s new deal with Qualcomm? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Android Police