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  • 27 September, 2009

Cyanogen working on fix for Google dilemma!

Cyaogen is working hard to create a solution to the recent Google dilemma.

According to his latest tweets, he almost has something ready and is currently testing his solution.

Cyanogen TWEETS:

So I think I’ve come up with a solution that should work and not violate any licenses. Just need to polish it up a bit.

Thanks for all the support x1000. Also thanks to the guys at Google helping to straighten out AOSP.

Just to be 100% clear, I’m not trying to fight Google or anything like that. A lot of things just aren’t black and white.

His new solution involves backing up your existing applications, installing the Cyanogen ROM which is just the base google operating system and completely open source and then restoring just the google applications that belong to you anyway.

Cyanogen posted the following message in the cyanogenmod.com website:

The current state..

The last few days have been difficult. What has become clear now is that the Android Open Source Project is a framework. It’s licensed in such a way so that anyone can take it, modify it to their needs, and redistribute it as they please. Android belongs to everyone. This also means that big companies likes Google, HTC, Motorola, and whomever else can add their own pieces to it and share these pieces under whatever license they choose.

I’ve made lots of changes myself to the AOSP code, and added in code from lots of others. Building a better Droid, right?

The issue that’s raised is the redistribution of Google’s proprietary applications like Maps, GTalk, Market, and YouTube. These are not part of the open source project and are only part of “Google Experience” devices. They are Google’s intellectual property and I intend to respect that. I will no longer be distributing these applications as part of CyanogenMod. But it’s OK. None of the go-fast stuff that I do involves any of this stuff anyway. We need these applications though, because we all rely so heavily on their functionality. I’d love for Google to hand over the keys to the kingdom and let us all have it for free, but that’s not going to happen. And who can blame them?

There are lots of things we can do as end-users and modders, though, without violating anyones rights. Most importantly, we are entitled to back up our software. Since I don’t work with any of these closed source applications directly, what I intend to do is simply ship the next version of CyanogenMod as a “bare bones” ROM. You’ll be able to make calls, MMS, take photos, etc. In order to get our beloved Google sync and applications back, you’ll need to make a backup first. I’m working on an application that will do this for you.

The idea is that you’ll be able to Google-ify your CyanogenMod installation, with the applications and files that shipped on YOUR device already. Or, you can just use the basic ROM if you want. It will be perfectly functional if you don’t use the Google parts. I will include an alternative app store (SlideMe, or AndAppStore, not decided yet) with the basic ROM so that you can get your applications in case you don’t have a Google Experience device.

I’ll have more updates soon as I get all the code hammered out.

Thanks for all the support thru all of this.

I’ll keep you updated as I learn more.