
CyanogenMod 9 official nightlies land for T-Mobile Galaxy S II and AT&T Skyrocket

And so the dominance that is CyanogenMod continues. Just a few days ago the T-Mobile Galaxy S II was treated to an update to Ice Cream Sandwich directly from T-Mobile and Samsung via Kies. That was a pretty awesome surprise and is still the only Galaxy S II on the market in the states to get an official update. Plus 1 for T-Mobile on that one. As great as an official OS update is, more of us lean to custom ROMs such as CyanogenMod to keep our devices kicking in the best ways possible.

As of yesterday the CM team flipped from releasing experimental builds of CM9 for the T-Mobile Galaxy S II and the AT&T Galaxy S II Skyrocket over to official nightlies. Pretty exciting news for you S II owners out there. Hit up the respective links below for your device to go snag the latest nightly and give it a whirl.

T-Mobile Galaxy S II a.k.a Hercules

AT&T Galaxy S II Skyrocket 

Source: Androidpolice