
Dan Morrill, Android’s team lead says no 1 GHZ requirement for Gingerbread

Remember a few days ago when we reported that LG stated there would be a 1 GHZ requirement for Gingerbread? Well, guess what? LG is wrong!  I thought it seemed a little off that the G2 just came out, the successor to the first Android phone, and it wouldn’t be able to run the latest version of Android. Now, according to Dan Morrill, the Open Source and Compatibility Tech Lead for Android:

Random note: there’s no hard minimum processor requirement for Gingerbread. Trust me, if there were I’d know. ;)

This status was just sent via Twitter. Another followed shortly after, stating that the requirements for Gingerbread are very similar to those of Froyo:

…Android has never had hard processor reqmts, tho older devices do fall behind. GB H/W needs are similar to FY.

Which begs the question: Why did LG state you had to have at least a 1 GHZ processor to run Gingerbread? Were they trying to drive sales? Be sure to let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: TalkAndroid
Via: Twitter