
“Designed For Tablets” Section Goes Live In Google Play

designed for tabletsEarly last month, the Google Play team promised that on November 21st they would be rolling out a new section on Google Play that would be specifically “Designed for Tablets” and would showcase apps that are meant for our larger-screened devices. Lo’ and behold, this section has gone live on Google Play today.

As promised, apps that are designed for tablets will be labelled as such and apps that don’t meet this criteria are labelled “Designed for phone” if you’re browsing the Google Play Store on your tablet so that you are aware that it isn’t optimized for your device. You should also be able to browse categories like Top Paid, Top Free, Top Grossing, Top New Paid, Top New Free, and Trending that are specifically for tablet apps.

We have to give kudos to the Google Play team for finally implementing this feature in the Play Store that should make life a lot easier for tablet power-users. Who’s taken this new section for a spin? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Source: Google+ via engadget