
Digg To Launch Its Google Reader Alternative Service Just Days Before Reader Goes Down

diggI am a Google Reader fanatic. Like other Google Reader fanatics, though few in number, I was pretty devastated when I heard the news that Google Reader would be ceasing its services on July 1st, 2013. And so began the search for services that might live up to fanatical expectations; many, over 500,000, sought refuge in Feedly. Out of the blue, however, came Digg, announcing that they would be working on their own RSS feed reader to replace Google Reader. And with less than two weeks on the clock, Digg has finally made an announcement about the actual launch of their service.

Version 1 of Digg Reader will be available through the web on June 26th and in Digg’s blog post, they’ve made it clear they are focussing on designing Digg Reader, at least at first, for the power Google Reader user. From the pictures in the post, it looks as though Digg has prepared both a web interface and an iOS app; the post goes on to say that an Android app will be released in the 60 days following June 26th. I guess that’s a little irritating for those of us who read RSS feeds exclusively on our Android devices, but there are other options to tide you over if you want to wait.

Digg goes on to say that the Digg Reader will “ultimately be a ‘freemium’ product”, but assures everyone that the core features outlined in the blog post will be part of the free experience. I will say that I am interested in what Digg has to offer as I’m currently not particularly swayed by any of the options available now, but I guess I’ll have to choose something soon with July 1st approaching quickly. If you want to read a bit more about Digg’s design philosophy, hit the source link to read their blog post.

Anybody else interested to see what Digg Reader has to offer? Let us know what you think in the comments.

Source: Digg Blog via engadget