
The Disney Mobile SH-02G: the Sharp Aquos just got a Disney makeover

Disney Mobile SH-02GI love Disney, but when it comes to smartphones, I probably wouldn’t make it an open statement that I do. Still, if that’s your thing, then maybe the Disney Mobile SH-02G is your kind of thing. If the device looks a bit familiar, that’s because it was forged in a partnership between Sharp and Japanese telco, NTT DoCoMo – Sharp’s most recent device was the almost-bezel-less Sharp Aquos, and while the Disney Mobile SH-02G isn’t quite on the same level as the Aquos, Disney decals aside, it is still an objectively good looking phone with very obvious design cues from the Aquos.

Disney Mobile SH-02GThe device will launch with a 5.5-inch display, 2.3GHz processor, 2GB RAM and 32GB storage. Along with those very fair hardware specifications, the Disney Mobile SH-02G will also get the benefit of Disney theming – the one pictured at the top of this article is the 2014 Winter model, featuring Frozen, of course. The device is also said to have Disney apps already installed and some kind of LED illumination insert, though a version of Android has not been specified. As with most devices launched in Japan, however, it’s not likely to become available globally, but maybe it will if it becomes particularly popular over there.

What do you think of the Disney Mobile SH-02G? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: via Phones Review