• News
  • 15 November, 2012

Domain Situation Resolved. CyanogenMod.com Back in Working Order

Did you guys get a little scared earlier when everyone started reporting that CyanogenMod was shutting down their website? I know I had a brief moment of panic. Well looks like the dust has cleared, and CyanogenMod.com is back in working order. If you guys did not see the post earlier, check it out by clicking here.

The craziness was basically over money, which is usually the case. The now “ex member” of the CM team, donated the domain name at the beginning and has managed it until today. He then wanted a nice little fee for the name, and the rest of the team was not having any of that. They then reported changing everything over to CyanogenMod.org, and the community had brief moments of panic, just like I did when I first read the post. All has settled now, and this is what the crew had to say:

So earlier today we put up a post on what prompted us to transition to our new CyanogenMod.org domain. We refrained from identifying the ex-member out of respect for his privacy and career outside of CM. Suffice it to say you guys aren’t slouches, and figured it out on your own.

With that said, the ex-member in question contacted us and has agreed to hand over control of the CyanogenMod.com domain. This was done as amicably as these things can be, and CM did not pay the fee he requested.

We will still be using CyanogenMod.org as our primary domain, and the .com address will simply redirect to this new domain. Ironically enough, ‘.org’ is better than ‘.com’ as we are not a commercial entity, and is far more in line with how CyanogenMod is structured.

We received a common question, that we’d like to take a moment to answer. Some of you contacted us mentioning that you had previously donated to a different address. When the forum began, up until about 3 months ago, the forum utilized this other address as the mechanism for forum donations and establishment of the ‘Donator’ badge. Donations made to this address prior to three months ago were used for the CyanogenMod forum IPB licence and forum related costs and were not misappropriated.

On a side note, we have also gone through internal restructuring to make sure that this sort of thing doesn’t happen again. Nobody has control over everything, and there is no longer such a large single-point of failure. Our lessons have been learned.

We ask that you please not perform any vigilante actions, we do not condone any such thing; just let this fade.

We want to move on, get you the builds you expect from us, and not mess around with distractions.

So all is happy again in the Android world, and the CM crew wants to do nothing but move on from this ridiculous event. Let us know what you guys think.