
Double Dragon Trilogy from DotEmu on sale for $0.99

Double Dragon Trilogy Android Sale

Looking for another game to take you back to your childhood? Maybe you want to introduce your kids to your gaming history. While pulling out the old Sega and dusting off the cartridge is nice, it isn’t always feasible. DotEmu has your back on a few choice classic games and one that I remember spending countless hours playing is the Double Dragon series. I was a bit more partial to Battletoads Double Dragon though. The classic side scrolling street fighting game has sat comfortably at $2.99 but is currently wrapped up in the Summer sale on the Play Store for just $0.99.


For those that are wondering, this title does support a variety of Gamepads like the Moga line as well as the M.O.J.O. and Nvidia Shield. Head down below and go pick it up when you have a few minutes. Just don’t forget to grab it before the sale ends.