
Double Your Battery Life on HTC Droid Incredible, Sprint EVO, Google Nexus One and Possibly Others!

This was originally posted by me on AndroidFeens

I repeatedly have non-Android fans, or day to day users ask me about battery life on the Droid Incredible.  I am posting this here because a) it’s still being asked and b) it still works.  I have been hoping to get this to a larger audience and help a larger group of consumers.  I hope that this assists people in extending their time with their phones.  I’d also like to ask for people with newer phones, G2, MyTouch 4G, Desire Z, etcetera  to try this and share in the comments.  I don’t know if battery life is as much of an issue with the newer phones, so please sound off in the comments section.

After the launch of the Evo, many users cried out that the battery life was at best decent and at worst abysmal. Most of the chatter seems to have settled down after the release of the OTA update.  Lost deep within the xda-forums Forum Link I came across a gem of information that apparently comes from someone within the support team of HTC.  I say that the information is lost because I cannot find the actual topic or post to source it correctly.

Thankfully I copied down the suggestions for how to “condition” the battery.  I am unsure as to whether or not that is technically what happens when we do this, but I’ll use the term.  This works for both the Droid Incredible and the Evo 4G. UPDATE: Nexus One Also Works.

Step 1. Charge the phone (turned on) for 8 hours.

Step 2.  Unplug the phone, turn it off, plug back in and charge for an hour.

Step 3. Unplug it, turn it on for 2 minutes. Plug it in and charge for 1 additional hour.

Your battery life should increase dramatically

I have done this on my phone.  Unfortunately I did not document the before and after information.  But I can verify that it makes a significant difference.  The longest that I have managed to use my phone is 24 hours with moderate to heavy use. I generally would get no more than 13 hours prior to this “hack”

I did not plug the phone in once during this time. The Nexus information was verified by@the_real_Newman Thanks Man


Automatic Updating – On

Wifi – On 40%

4G – On 40%

GPS – On 20%

Screen – On for nearly 18 hours of that

Not task managers, no setCPU profiles, no changes to any power settings.

Twitter, Facebook, News and Weather – auto update every 4 hours

Give it a try on your device and let us know how it goes and we’ll try to compile a list of devices that this method works on.