
Download Android 4.4.2 to Your Nexus Devices Now!


It didn’t take long for Google to update the Nexus family yet again. We got the Android 4.4.1 update last week, and this week we get Android 4.4.2. We have the downloads below for both the Nexus 5 and the Nexus 4, but we do know that some have reported seeing the update on the Nexus 7 as well as the Nexus 10.

Changelog from the update is courtesy of Sprint, and there doesn’t seem to be too much going on.

  • – Fix for clearing the VM Indicator
  • – Fix for delivery of the VM Indicator
  • – Various additional software fixes
  • – Security enhancements

Download the direct OTAs below. Remember to download at your own risk. Let us know how it runs once you get it on whatever dievce you are update

Nexus 4

Nexus 5

Nexus 7

Nexus 10



Source: Android Police