Did you think the barrage of goodies from the Nexus 5 and KitKat was over last night? Silly you. As more and more people get their hands on the factory image and start poking around, the more fun stuff everyone finds and shares. The latest in leaked out goods is the Google Keyboard v2.0.

The new keyboard offers up a white swiping trail versus the holo blue one that we have currently. It also has some Emoji’s built right in. Simply long press on the enter key. Kind of cool for many of you out there. Personally all I need is smilie and frown.. Maybe a sad face. IT also is supposed to be space aware. Meaning that you should be able to swipe to your hearts content without pulling your finger off the keyboard.

Install is pretty straight to the point. Just download the apk file from down below and install. If you have any issues, you might want to uninstall the current Google Keyboard if you have it installed.
More links coming soon.
Download – Google Keyboard v2.0
You can also always find the latest Google App apks at our download site, gappsearly.com.
Via AndroidPolice