
[Download] Android L ‘Heads Up’ Notifications Now Available for Devices Running Android 4.3+


Android L is storming through the Android Community, and some of you are probably already enjoying it by flashing the Android L Developer Preview onto your Nexus. One key feature Google talked about during the Google I/O keynote, were enhanced notifications. The notification drop-down has been rehashed, as well as they added those notifications to your lockscreen, giving you quick access to them without even unlocking your device. Another bit of awesome they added to the notifications, are Heads Up notifications. This takes a page out of the Paranoid Android handbook, where while in a full-screen app, you can see a notification appear at the top of screen in a floating, layer manner, and you will be able to interact with that notification while still remaining inside your app of game.

Heads Up Notifications have made their way into the Play Store via developer, Woodblock Without Co. , but you can also head to the XDA forum page provided below to give it a try without paying for it. Also check the video run-through that shows how easy it is to set up. Let us know how you like it.

Play Store Link
XDA Thread