
[Download] CM10 messenger app finds its way to Jelly Bean sporting Devices

CyanogenMOD and all of their various builds have always offered up some amazing features and modifications that can make your daily life easier and a lot more fun. While they cover many various devices, there are some people who stick with different developer builds or even slightly modified stock ROM’s. That is OK, the point of Android is the choice you have to do what you want with your device.

One feature that was recently merged into the CM’s Jelly Bean branch is called Quick Message. It was built by David van Tonder. It offers up some great functionality that many of you have been using separate apps to accomplish. You get an immediate pop up of a new incoming text message with a way to reply to it directly from the main screen. That is pretty nice. It offers up a ‘Quick Reply’ and ‘Call’ button just below the message in your notification drop down. You should also know though, that the Quick Message’s notification shade functionality is still “in progress”. It shouldn’t take too long before it up and functioning properly though.

While we have seen a hit and miss for functionality on various devices and ROM users that have tried it out, it never hurts to give it a whirl. Obviously a Jelly Bean ROM is required as it won’t work for Ice Cream Sandwich. Installation has said to work by simply installing the APK on its own, but it is advised to use a file manager app with root permissions to push the apk to the System/App folder. Make sure to change the permissions to 644 (or rw-r-r )

If you are interested in taking it for a spin then hit up the download links below. Be sure to check out the source links as well for more information and other discussion about the new Quick Message app.

Megaupload | Google Drive

Source: XDA via OMGDroid

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