
[Download] Get the Sony Xperia Z2 wallpapers here now!

Sony Xperia Z2 wallpapersWe’re in a very wallpaper mood here today at AndroidStory. The Samsung Galaxy S5 wasn’t the only flagship device to be announced at MWC 2014 earlier this week; Sony also announced their Sony Xperia Z2 device which replaces their previous flagship, the Xperia Z1 after only 5 months at the top of the roost. The new flagship boasts an updated Snapdragon 801 processor, a larger 5.2-inch display, and crucially, the Triluminos display has been tweaked to address all the viewing angle issues that were reported on the Xperia Z1.

Sony Xperia Z2 wallpapersWhile many people liked the wallpaper that they saw on the Galaxy S5 at its announcement, less noise was made for the Xperia Z2, despite the fact that the Sony Xperia Z2 wallpapers also happen to be quite beautiful; while they haven’t deviated much from Sony’s standard artistic flavour, these wallpapers will be standard on Sony’s Android KitKat builds when it finally rolls out to all its devices, and they really do make for some nice backdrops.Thanks to XperiaGuide, we have access to the full collection of wallpapers that will be on the Xperia Z2 when it launches; download the collection from the link below:

Official Sony Xperia Z2

Let us know what you think of the wallpapers or if you’re considering getting a Xperia Z2 when it releases.

Source: XperiaGuide