
[Download] Google+ for Android updated to v4.2.3

Google Plus
Never hurts to stay current in your Google app endeavours. Google is pushing out another update to our favorite social outlet, Google+, today. Moving the version number up from 4.2.2 to 4.2.3. Not a monumental update, but does have some nice little additions inside.

  • The Photos section now will work with Android Beam, so you can shoot pics to each other using NFC

  • Photos now work with Daydream

  • Photos now show image details

  • Locations section will automatically refresh your friends’ locations when you open it

As always, if you haven’t seen the update yet, we have it down below for you. Feel free to also check out our side project site (Gappsearly) where we have all the files set up in an easy to navigate page.

Google+ v4.2.3 download link

Edit: Seems it is having network issues though. It was pulled straight from the Play Store update received on a Xperia Z. Couldn’t connect to network. Anyone else out there get the update from Google and seeing an issue?

Edit2: Seems the Play Store comments are starting to confirm issues after the update from various users. Looks like we need to wait on Google to make a fix happen.

Edit3: Looks to be working again. Not sure if it will have issues for a short period of time for everyone, or if Google resolved the issue on their end entirely. Download and try it though, and give it a little time to connect if you have issues. Worst case, uninstall the updates and try again later.