
[DOWNLOAD] Google Maps Version 7.3 Available Now

google mapsIt seems like Google has recently gotten into the routine of updating their apps almost weekly, culminating with the recent spate of updates that hit just last week. Essentially all Google core apps saw an update, and yet Google has found the time to update Google Maps yet again, this time to version 7.2 to version 7.3. This update brings with it mostly cosmetic changes, but they are cosmetic changes that could make the Maps experience a much more streamlined ordeal.

The first noticeable change is better utilization of the persistent notification in your notifications menu, namely the notification now displays actual, useful information about your current trip.

google maps

version 7.2

google maps

version 7.3













The next change is relatively minor, but on screens without much screen real-estate, this change could be a bit of help. The route cards in Google Maps have been made more succinct, fitting the same amount of information from the old cards in a different, more compact format.

google maps

version 7.2

google maps

version 7.3














That’s it for the major additions to version 7.3 of Maps. There are a few bits and pieces here and there like getting a confirmation message if you were writing a review and accidentally hit back, and various tweaks, though everything else seems like minor changes.

If you can’t wait for the update to hit your phone through Google Play, we’ve got the download links below. Please note that we’ve only got the apks that are optimized for either Android 4.0.3 and up, or Android 4.3 and up, so if you’re able to, pick the one closest to your current build of Android.

Google Maps version 7.3 (Android 4.0.3+)

Google Maps version 7.3 (Android 4.3+)

If you spot anything else that’s different with the new Google Maps, be sure to drop us a line in the comments.

You can also always find the latest Google App apks at our download site,

Source: Android Police