
[Download] Ingress v1.39.1 Now With Inventory Count!

The Ingress Scanner App just updated to v1.39.1. Aside from the usual bug enhancements, there’s the long-awaited INVENTORY ITEM COUNT! This has been on the top of many agents’ wishlists since the game’s inception because of its 2,000 item limit (here’s to you Kyle H). The ability to “spam fire” was also removed; you used to be able to scroll to the XMP that you wanted to fire from your inventory, click fire, then immediately click the Ops button to take you back to your previous inventory item and repeat. Now, clicking fire from inventory takes you to the fire screen in the scanner rather than actually firing XMP from the inventory dialogue (thanks Richard). There’s also an efficiency bar graph on the recharge screen in addition to the usual percentage that disappears when you don’t have enough XM to recharge (thanks Patrick). Finally, clicking any of the chat channels in Comm no longer jumps to the end when a new event happens, it gives an animation instead notifying you of an update so you may continue reading where you were. When you switch between tabs, you keep your place where you were last reading from (thanks, Patrick & Marc).

Ingress v1.39.1 Inventory Count

Thanks to everyone with the feature updates. Download it now and let us know what you think.


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