
Download the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 wallpapers, available now to melt your eyeballs [UPDATE]

Samsung Galaxy Note 4 wallpapersWe’ve seen one of the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 wallpapers before, but we’ve been patiently waiting to see the rest of its wonderful, 2K resolution images. I’m glad to say that the wait is over, and another eight of the Note 4‘s wallpapers are now available for download. Check out the gallery below, and don’t forget to click the thumbnails to see the images in their full resolution glory:

UPDATE: For those having issues getting the full resolution image, here is a zip with all the wallpapers in it:

Samsung Galaxy Note 4 wallpapers zip

All of the wallpapers are 2560×2560, courtesy of the Note 4’s Quad HD display, and as expected, follows Samsung’s adopted penchant of colourful, abstract wallpapers. The Note 4 was announced last week at IFA 2014 along side a particularly interesting counterpart, the Note Edge, a decidedly novel device with rounded display edges with which it shares much of its hardware. Novelty aside, the Note 4 has asserted itself again as Samsung’s premium offering in the latter half of 2014, with a Snapdragon 805 processor, 3GB RAM, and a massive 5.7-inch AMOLED Quad HD display. We can’t wait to hear the verdicts when the reviews come in.

What do you think about the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 wallpapers? Do you think they’ve done a good job? Let us know your opinion in the comments below.

Source: PocketDroid via TalkAndroid