
Dreaming about a HTC Sensation? You might want to hold off, a Special Edition is on its Way

The HTC Sensation is an amazing device. The few times I have had a chance to mess around with it has made me really want one. Even stock, the phone can perform, I can only imagine how much better it is when rooted and customized. Since upgrade time lines tend to vary, some of you might just be up for a new device shortly and are pondering this as your present to your self. I would recommend it to anyone that asked, that’s for sure. Although, you may want to hold off a little bit longer. According to CNET, there is a special edition device on the way.

This “Special Addition” Sensation will come bundled with a set of Beats by Dre earbuds with remote and a whole lot more. Looking at the image that was acquired, this Sensation will be a bit beefier, sporting a Qualcomm 8260 1.5GHz processor. You read that correctly, the special edition device will be set at 1.5GHz out of the box. 4GB internal storage instead of 1GB and a 8GB SD card pre-installed. Plus a 1,730 mAh battery instead of the current 1520 mAh. Sounds like they have really made some improvements in a short time.

No dates were mentioned in the image that was located but as you can see, the pricing is. The conversion puts this device at $847 smack a roos. That is a sizable chunk of change. Considering you are getting a lot more in this device then the ones currently available, it maybe something you are interested in

Image via AndroidGuys

Source: Cnet/HTCSource