• News
  • 18 March, 2010

Droid 2.1 a reality for few, still a dream for everyone else.

Ah 2.1, the gift Droid owners have been anxiously waiting for, only to disapear with a card saying better luck next time in it’s stead. The soul crushing disappointment you must be feeling. So why the delays? It’s not entirely clear yet, though some are speculating Motorola is still trying to figure out how to do updates.  Another possible scenario is that a bug is causing the delay issue, which could very well be the case given Droid’s sibling Cliq had a tendency to brick with it’s first update.

Still, Verizon seems happy with how the update, or lack thereof, went according to spokesperson Thomas Pica:

The Android 2.1 upgrade for the Droid by Motorola was deployed to a small number of Verizon Wireless test users as scheduled. It is expected the broader phased rollout to all Droid by Motorola users will take place, but not just yet. No date scheduled yet.

So it’s a waiting game. At least you’re waiting with 2.0, unlike the majority of us.

[Source Android Headlines, SlashPhone,  PhoneScoop]