• News
  • 10 April, 2010

Droid Eris saying goodbye in May!

Verizon is not showing any mercy to the Droid Eris. We heard before that Verizon will discontinue the Droid Eris, the Verizon version of  HTC Hero. According to the leaked photo above, where you can see that PCD – ADR6200 which is the codename of Droid Eris. It’s listed under End of Life Devices. So it’s mean the HTC Droid Eris is going to be dead in May (May his soul Rest in Peace :P), but not yours. Your Droid Eris will work fine and no one will take it from you. But it will not be available in stores anymore. Verizon will replace it with a new smartphone. Let’s hope it will be the Incredible!

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Source: Android Central