
The DROID Turbo just got a weird celebrity endorsement from James Franco

DROID TurboIt seems all but a sure thing that the Motorola DROID Turbo is going to be officially announced tomorrow by Verizon and/or Motorola, but that hasn’t stopped Verizon from using its @DroidLanding Twitter account, usually reserved for tweeting things out close to device launches, to tweet out some pretty interesting (but mostly weird) videos. The first features a gargoyle, a flailing red scarf and a hand reaching for it, accompanied by the phrase “Things are going to get scary, fast”. After tweeting that, @DroidLanding retweeted James Franco of all people who had his own 28 second short titled “James Franco, the Bike Phantom” which sees him snap a quick photo with an unmistakably red phone which can only be the new DROID Turbo.

This kind of teasing may perhaps be a bit too abstract, but it’s really just ramming home the point that the DROID Turbo is coming, and it’s coming very soon. According to our exclusive leak last week, the DROID Turbo is going to ship with a Quad HD display, 3GB RAM, 32GB storage and will run Android KitKat. We’re also reasonably certain the DROID Turbo will carry the latest and greatest Snapdragon 805 processor, though we have less than a day to wait before we have full details of the device anyway.

What do you think of these weird DROID Turbo teasers? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Twitter via Droid-life