
Dropbox pushes 2.2 update out, adds photo tab and moves upload Function

At the end of September we alerted you guys of a pending update for Dropbox. You had the chance to grab the preview build and see what you thought. Quite a lot of you guys pulled the trigger and gave it a go. Not everyone likes to give unreleased updated versions of their favorite apps a go though. Dropbox has now released the 2.2 update to the Play Store for all to enjoy.

It houses the usual amount of bug fixes and under the hood tune-ups, but also has added a great new UI element. At the top of the account you now have a small picture icon. Taping it allows you to go view all the pictures you have uploaded using the instant upload feature. it won’t pull pictures or videos you have in other folders. That can be a good thing and a bad thing for some. The tab offers up a gallery layout that displays the image thumbnails by the date they were added.

You will also notice that the ‘upload’ option has also been moved. You now have to hit menu while inside the main list or inside any folder to access it. Overall the update is kind of nice. I would like the picture tab to allow me to select specific folders for viewing instead of just pulling from the camera uploads folder. Maybe in the next update.

If you haven’t picked up the update yet be sure to head into the Play Store and you ‘My Apps’ section to do so. You can always click or scan the QR code below as well.

Application: Dropbox
Developer: Dropbox, Inc.
Cost: FREE