
Dropbox will be the Galaxy S III’s best friend, 50GB to all who buy One

Last week there were rumors that Samsung might be dropping a new S-Cloud application and service along with the Galaxy S III. Sadly that panned out to not be the case. Either it isn’t quite ready or they never intended to do so. Doesn’t really matter to me much either way. The good news though, is that Samsung partnered up with Dropbox. Much like HTC has done for the One series. Samsung managed to talk them into a little bit sweeter of a deal though. After you purchase your new S III, in 26 days, you will be granted 50GB of Dropbox storage. That out does HTC’s deal, which was 25GB if my memory is correct.  According to Phandroid, this will be a two-year offer. Now, they and we, aren’t sure if that is just a deal that will last for two years or if once you get your extra storage you are given two years to have it. We are of course expecting it to be 2 years of 50GB from the time you snag the device though.

We will keep an eye out for the particulars about the terms for it. Not that is really matters, with three hefty internal storage options and a removable SD card, you will have more than enough room to keep you life handy.