
Dual-Screen flip device unveiled by Samsung, looks pretty Amazing and Unique

Android as a whole has primarily been based on the premises that you need an all screen device all the time. Pulling away from the old clam shell styled flip phones and getting bigger and bigger. Over the years there has been  a few devices that have attempted to break this mold and have sadly fallen victim to lackluster sales. Kyocera put the Echo out on Sprint, it had dual screens and flipped open like a laptop. Then we of course have the Sony Tablet S and P. Again, a clam shell style tablet device with two screens. Nothing really took off though. I personally think the world wasn’t quite ready for the idea nor was Android as an OS.

Now Samsung is looking to bring the idea to fruitation in another fashion that could help evolve Android beyond a tradition flat screen slate and give even the less technical individuals a look and feel of something simpler. Easily named after the year in which it will be released, meet the Samsung W2013. Which looks a lot like their Bada device that had dual screens called the W689 and a revamp of the previous 3.5-inch dual-screen Android sporting W999.

The device is nothing to scoff at though. Each set of screens is a 3.7-inch Super AMOLED  display loaded full of Android glory. Granted each screen is only 800X400 resolution. Sporting a 1.4GHz quad-core processor with 2GB of RAM. It is said to have 16GB of internal storage with support for a 64GB sd card slot. It also features an 8 MP camera and has Android 4.0. Why they didn’t get Android 4.1 as the base release is beyond me, it might not have handled dual screens as well in testing. It is still a pretty slick looking device.

We would be really interested in taking a look at this device though. It has the specs to be awesome, but with the price tag hovering around $3,000 we know it won’t be a mega hit  like the Galaxy S III or Note II. However, it is still interesting to see and watch as OEM’s continue to take an old look and feel and add new form, functionality and use to it.

What do you guys think? Does a product like this stand a chance in the market? We think it has potential, but the price tag is something that will keep it out of the lime light. If Samsung could bring a higher res set of screens tot he device and still get it in the normal price range, it has a chance to be pretty awesome. They do have the power and the money to make it happen. We are pretty sure this will never make it out of China though.

Source: Samsung via Phandroid