
Dungeon Hunter 4 trailer from Gameloft Released

<Dungeon Hunter 4 Gameloft
Gameloft  has recently published the Dungeon Hunter 4 game trailer to YouTube for those itching to see what the 4th installment of the game has to offer. Gameloft launched the game on iOS yesterday, and it has been met with much dissatisfaction. As with most hot new titles, this one is coming in as a Freemium style game. Meaning there are timers in place and in app purchasing. It looks like a great game. The graphics are impressive and we are hearing that the combat system is great. The whole pay to play scenario is killing it for most. Gameloft should be launching the game on Android very soon, the quest is will it be met with just as much dissatisfaction and iOS users?

Feel free to check out the Trailer below at your leisure.