
Dunkin’ stars with Stardunk on Android

How do you feel about basketball? Well how about basketball, with stars, in SPACE! That’s the gist of Godzilab’s Stardunk which arrived for free in the Android Marketplace yesterday, freshly ported from iOS. The simple object of the game is to shoot a star into a net which alone isn’t the great part of Stardunk, instead it’s the sprinkling of OpenFeint magic and multiplayer. As long as you have OpenFeint connected while your passing away the time shooting some hoops you’ll become thrust into challenges where you compete for scores with hundreds of others. Now you never actually see anyone else playing but you do see an update of where your score sits in this short challenge and getting a top score awards you with coins that you can then spend on ball upgrades. Being a free game it is ad supported and coins can also be purchased through micro transactions. If your looking for a diversion this week then why not check it out, there’s a link to the free download below so why not shoot some space hoops!


When you’re ready, head over to the Android Market and download this game by clicking or scanning the QR Code below.
Summary and Downloads:
Game: Stardunk
Developer: Godzilab
Cost:  FREE!