• News
  • 30 November, 2011

Easter Egg: Rocket Launcher discovered in Ice Cream Sandwich

Android Dreams Rocket Launcher
Another Easter Egg has been found deep within the murky depths of Ice Cream Sandwich, but this hidden treasure packs an interesting feature we’ve yet to see hidden in an Android Easter Egg to date. Say hello to Rocket Launcher — a 3D wallpaper-like launcher that looks cool, if nothing else.

Apparently, this and Nyan Droid are both part of a new screensaver feature Google called “Android Dreams” that was disabled by them before Ice Cream Sandwich was released (presumably because it wasn’t ready for prime time yet). Here is a picture of the re-enabled feature in CM9, courtesy of Steve Kondik (aka Cyanogen).

If you’ve got 1:10 to burn, here’s a video of the Easter Egg/screensaver/launcher hybrid in action:

Does it look cool? Yes. Is this something you or I will ever use? Probably not. Either way, it’s always nice to see Google’s sense of humor, don’t you agree? If you’d like to find Rocket Launcher yourself, the only way to do is to use a  method of calling an Android Activity by its name, such as ADW Launcher or, as the user in the video displays, Launcher Pro’s Activity shortcut.


Source: Android Police