• News
  • 29 July, 2013

Ever Wanted to See Android Fragmentation Illustrated?


Android fragmentation is definitely the plague of the Android ecosystem. With each Android OS that comes, the fragmentation gets steadily worse, and it may be only a matter of time before it gets so bad that the ecosystem will crash within itself. That might sound a little too dramatic, but it could happen.

The illustration you see above is where the fragmentation stands this year. OpenSignal compiled all the data, and in 2012 there were 4,000 distinct Android devices. Now in 2013, there are 12,000. That is quite an increase, and that only makes the fragmentation so much worse. We know that Jelly Bean is slowly increasing throughout the community, but with so many different versions of Jelly Bean, it really is not solving the fragmentation problem at all.

Hard telling if the Android fragmentation will ever be resolved. Everyone used to say that this problem was going to destroy Android, but if anything, Android is stronger than ever.

Source: Phandroid