
Evleaks Posts Two APK Screenshots from the Galaxy S5 Indicating Fingerprint Scanner


Last night, leak master evleaks leaked out a test image taken by a Galaxy S5. Wasn’t much to see, but we take his word on that it did in fact come from a Galaxy S5. Tonight he has posted a couple more things from the S5. Tonight it is two APKs that you can see on this post, one of them indicating the fingerprint scanner that has been rumored to show up on Sammy’s new flagship.


Some of the comments on G+ suggest that the fingerprint apk is in the Galaxy Note 3 as well, which seems a little weird considering the Note 3 doesn’t have the actual scanner. Lot of people are trolling the fact that Samsung is throwing more useless bloated apps onto their new phone, but we can’t come up with conclusions quite yet. 3D tour viewer might be some nifty little addtive to a Photosphere-like experience, and could very well just blow our minds. Let us know what you guys think about these images.

Source: evleaks