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  • 23 May, 2012

Experience the Samsung Galaxy S III TouchWiz UX Launcher on your Galaxy S II

Those of you holding a Samsung Galaxy S II and keep YouTubing videos of the Galaxy S III that just makes your mouth water, can get a slight taste of what the new TouchWiz on the Galaxy S III has to offer. I know die hard Android users probably hate TouchWiz more than they do Sense, but Sense 4.0 made some pretty nice improvements so maybe the new TouchWiz did as well. It could happen.

XDA developer Smando successfully ported over the TouchWiz UX launcher from the GS3 to the GS2. You can get the launcher in two versions; a 4×4 app drawer layout, and a creamy 5×5 app drawer layout. So if you feel like getting a taste of the “nature”the GS3 has to offer, head to the XDA thread and give it a try. Let us know how it is.

XDA Thread