
First alleged sighting of the Sony Xperia Z3 and its mini counterpart show more of the Same

sony xperia z3Earlier this year, Kurozumi Yoshiro, Creative Director at Sony Mobile, confirmed that Sony would be bringing out a second flagship in the second half 2014. So far, we have heard neither hide nor hair of the alleged device except for a rumour that allegedly says that the device will be released in September, likely at IFA 2014. That is, until today, where a pair of pictures have leaked out allegedly showing that follow-up flagship, presumably called the Sony Xperia Z3 and a smaller phone next to it, said to be the Sony Xperia Z3 Compact.

sony xperia z3Previous rumours have said that the Sony Xperia Z3 would have a different design to previous Xperia models, however if this is truly the Xperia Z3, the designs of old definitely still seem to be here. The device next to the Xperia Z3 is also of interest seeing as we are yet to get an Xperia Z2 Compact, however with each passing week, it seems increasingly likely that Sony is simply skipping the Z2 Compact in favour of the Z3 Compact. Whatever is eventually released, we hope Sony continues to break the standard ‘mini’ trend by releasing a small phone with flagship performance.

What do you think about this Sony Xperia Z3 leak? Are you thinking of getting Sony’s next flagship? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Source: Digi-wo via Xperia Blog