• News
  • 21 November, 2011

First look at EXOdesk, 40-inches of pure Enjoyment

In the event of a slow news day, much like today, we start searching the internet looking for something new to bring to our readers. Sometimes it is Android related, other times it is not. This is one of those ‘not’ kinda things. As Android lovers though, we are also tech geeks. We still love all things that are just plain cool. EXOdesk is easily one of those things that everyone should at least see, if not figure out how to buy.

This is a full featured multi-touch desk with various uses for just about any geek. In the video you see the easy navigation along with the RSS feed that can be pulled out of thin air. At the end of the video you can see the guy pull up a piano keyboard, sadly we don’t get to see him play it though. The desk is being built by selected partners for release in 2012. It will be showed off at the upcoming CES event in January in Las Vegas. The creators are putting a huge focus on price and user experience so that it can land in more homes and offices than just the CEOs. Similar products are already available but run easily around $8000 or more. This little guy is expected to launch for only $1299. I know what I am asking for Christmas next year.

What do you guys think? Is there a market for a desk like this? If you could get your hands on one would you? What if the community got their hands on this and made it a 40″ Android tablet Desktop? So many questions and so many uses. I would have to keep my desk a lot cleaner that is for sure.

via YouTube