
First Samsung Galaxy S4 Promo video up for viewing, better than the Unpacked Event

Samsung Galaxy S4
We watched the livestream of the Samsung Galaxy S4 Unpacked event and took plenty of screenshots to share. It was a little difficult to do since the stage area was rather dark. It was quite the production and one easily got lost and possibly confused. Samsung went through a ton of information is a completely different way then we are used to seeing for a press event. The new Galaxy S4 is definitely something, in my opinion. I am personally a Samsung fan, mostly for the recent changes and focus towards useful software additions rather than a radical look. I am impressed with the S 4 for so many reasons, but this isn’t the time nor the place to start that debate. It is, however, the place to watch a much shorter promo video that outlines pretty much all the new features in 4 and half minutes. It is also a little clearer and easier to see. So if you want the quick skinny so you can get on with your life, this is the video to watch. Check it out.