
First Swype OTA update arrives, version 3.26 with improved context prediction Engine

Are you still using Swype? If so, you probably remember us reporting a while back that OTA updates were on their way, leaving behind the monotonous days of having to download an installer to, in turn, download Swype. Well, the first update is now in the process of being rolled out, so you should be seeing it within the next day or so. Brian Resnik, an administrator from the Swype forums, posted details earlier today on what we can expect to see in version 3.26:

With our first over-the-air update, we’ve enabled our Context Prediction Engine. By analyzing the text you’ve already entered, Swype will offer more accurate predictions that make sense in the context of the sentence

40% increase in prediction accuracy when a language profile is present

Learns over time as you use it, building up a personal language profile for you.

Enabled only for English, French, Italian, German and Spanish. Other languages coming soon! *Note* French Canadian does not have a pre-loaded static language model, and so will only show improved accuracy after continual use.

We’ve added support for Japanese (kana-kanji conversion). Japanese is only available in the Pan-Asia package and NOT the All Regions package. As usual, we also have a ton of bug fixes, so check the changelog in the second post to see if an issue that’s been bothering you is resolved! Enjoy!

His post also notes that the update may take up to 72 hours before it hits your device, so don’t blow a gasket if you check after reading this and it’s not there for you yet. I will note, mine was available upon first check. It gave me an option to download the update first, and then there was an option to install. I haven’t gotten a chance to really test out the CPE yet, but I’ll share my thoughts after giving it a week-long test run. Make sure to drop us a comment if you’ve already gotten your update. Tell us how much you love it or hate it.

Source: Swype