
First Unreal Engine game released by Gameloft, come pick up Wild Blood Now

Back in early August we all got to see a little teaser trailer for a new game headed our way from Gameloft called Wild Blood. Then later in August we saw an actual game trailer. It was going to be their first game built using the Unreal Engine. Boy does it look beautiful.

The game’s story line is based on the age-old legend of King Author and Sir Lancelot. Of course it has been re-imagined and recreated in a whole new way. King Author has gone mad and has been influenced by his evil sorceress sister Morgana Le Fey. She has convinced him to open the Hellgate and unleash all forms of demons to the world. You take on the roll of the noble Lancelot, battle the demons and confront King Author.

Wild Blood offers some incredible 3D graphics and special effects powered by Unreal Technology. You will travel across 10 breath taking levels, face 20 different enemies and some epic bosses. Wield a variety of weapons on your journey from axes and longbows to your powerful great sword. It isn’t all about blood, gore and battles though. There are various puzzles along the way that you will need to solve in order to reach hidden locations.

Let’s not forget to mention the inclusion of multiplayer mode too. You can battle it out with 8 friends in a 4 X 4 Team Death Match mode or Capture the Flag.

It looks pretty darn impressive to us.

Are you ready to become Sir Lancelot and save the kingdom from the evil that has been imposed upon it? Simply click or scan the QR code below to get your hands on it now.

Application: Wild Blood
Developer: Gameloft
Cost: $6.99