
Five big features that show why the Galaxy Note Edge isn’t a total gimmick

Samsung has the money, the resources and the R&D to try things that break the traditional conventions of what we all perceive as a normal. We can toss out the words gimmick, innovation or just plain stupid all we want when it comes to a device, product or feature. In the end, it still comes down to personal preference, need and desire for something new and different. The Samsung Galaxy Note Edge is one o those devices that is just …. different. It won’t appeal to everyone, it won’t sell into the billions (I don’t think anyways), but it will offer up something different that is aimed at being useful instead of just gimmick. To help plead their case on this Samsung has put together an infograph that offers up five of the biggest features that the Note Edge brings to the table.

Samsung Galaxy Note Edge

This certainly isn’t Samsung’s first rodeo with a second screen on the same device experience. Anyone remember the Samsung Continuum? It brought a second screen at the bottom of your primary screen and offered up quick glances at notifications and other things. It was a cool idea, just poorly executed. Then again, that was back in the Android 2.2 Froyo days. Back then Android and Samsung were still working on a direction.  I am particularly interested int he Note Edge. The approach seems feasible and usable in a variety of situations and real world uses. While many of the features are achievable on any Android device, the placement of them on a curved edged that bends down the edge of the device makes them a bit more practical. I can already see the ruler coming in handy often. I am looking forward to seeing if other apps get adapted for the Edges smaller screen or not.

What are your thoughts? Are you aiming your sights on a Note 4 or giving the Note Edge some serious thought?

Source: Samsung Tomorrow via Phandroid