
Five day old Android L build LRW87D shows up with crash log and short video

Android L build LRW87DWe already know Android L is coming, and we have a pretty good idea of what it’s going to be called, but we can’t help but feel excited when we see more evidence of its existence pop up. This latest news comes to us courtesy of the Chromium issue tracker once again, which has spotted Android L build LRW87D, this time due to a crash log being posted, even being accompanied by a video of the app in question crashing. Check it out:

It’s not particularly long, or particularly special, but in the 20 seconds or so, you get to see a nice window transition and those now iconic soft keys at the bottom of the screen.

Android L build LRW87DThe build in question is said to have been running on a Hammerhead device, know to us as the Nexus 5, and the build number (LRW87D) suggests that the build is from the 25th of September, though it should be noted that dates of these builds can be notoriously inaccurate, though we’re sure to be looking at a pretty recent build here. We’re expecting Android L to make an appearance when Google announces its new Nexus devices, the Nexus 9 and Nexus 6, though when exactly that will happen is anybody’s guess.

What do you think about this latest Android L build? Are you excited for Android L? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
