
Flipboard now available for the rest of the world in the Play Store

I know many of you have seen of and heard of Flipboard. It is the newest and greatest customizable feed reader out that changes everything into that oh so wonderful magazine style look that so many people are itching to get their hands on. Originally the application was first found and available on the Samsung Galaxy S III. So if you already upgraded or for some reason hate Samsung with a passion, now you can pick up the legit version instead of a pulled apk version. Add in the more recent news that Google is releasing the API’s to Flipboard for G+ integration and feeds, means it should take off more so than it already has.

Personally, I think it is pretty and nice looking, but a little too much for my daily use and taste. Heck, I even quit using G+ on my phone after the change to a similar format. If you haven’t given it a shot or have been waiting to try it out, now is your chance. Android 2.2 or above is required as a bare minimum, but that should cover enough of you guys to give it a whirl. To snag the new Flipoard app just click or scan the handy little QR code below.

Application: Flipboard
Developer: Flipboard
Cost: FREE