• News
  • 19 June, 2012

Flipboard soon to gain Google + Integration

Oh Flipboard, how we love you, and hate you at the same time. If you haven’t been around for a while, Flipboard is an app that lets you set up your feeds and view them in a magazine style layout. It is pretty, but not every ones favorite style. With Google+ going in a similar route with their Android app semi recently, it should come as no surprise that they would be looking at cross app integration. After all, why have to visit two separate apps when you can visit just one.

At the LeWeb conference in London a little bit of information was dropped by Bradley Horowitz. He is Google’s vice president of product management. He announced that G+ access would soon be integrated into Flipboard.  Giving users and lovers of the app a sprinkling of G+ in their streams on the popular application.

This is pretty great news really. It means that for the first time, to our knowledge, Google will be releasing the API’s needed to a developer to make it happen. On the flip side though, they aren’t releasing the API’s publicly for other developers to utilize and integrate Google+. The primary reason for continuing to hold onto the API’s is purely for consumer protection and user experience.

Why isn’t this API open to all developers? Because Google doesn’t yet have good noise controls and is wanting to make sure they build their social garden stage-by-stage and not be forced later to piss off developers because they need to change their API to protect the user experience here.

Until Google gets around to perfecting what ever it is they are trying to do, you will have to use the official G+ app from Google or Flipboard to see whats happening in your social circles.

Source: The NextWeb